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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the questions we are often asked. We are here for you if you want to know more or need support. Just write to us – we look forward to helping you!

Who is the office responsible for? Who can contact BEOBE?

For all young people aged 0 to 27 who are supported by the youth welfare office (parenting support) and

  •  live in a home, in a residential group or with foster parents
  • live alone but still receive support from the youth welfare office
  • live with their parents and receive support from, for example, a family support organisation or attend a group

Why are you there?

Normally, child and youth welfare services run smoothly. But even here, differences of opinion can occasionally arise. There are many people who care for an individual child or young person and have different views on how best to help. In such situations, the aim is not to avoid conflict, but to encourage you to ask questions and express your opinion.

How can you help me?

  • We offer independent, confidential and, if you wish, anonymous counselling.

  • We take you and your concerns seriously.

  • We inform you about your rights to child and youth welfare services.

  • We show you how to lodge an objection, for example.

  • We also accompany you to meetings if this support is needed.

What issues can I contact you about?

Here is a list of possible topics or issues. Of course, it could also be about completely different issues. So please do get in touch if you can't find your question here.

  • You don't know who could help you?
  • You feel misunderstood or unfairly treated by the youth welfare office/guardian or the institution/foster family?
  • You can't get involved in the support plan (in German Hilfeplan) discussions?
  • You don't know who is responsible for you or who you can talk to?
  • You feel that the calculation of your contribution to the costs of the institution is not correct?
  • You don't agree with the rules in your institution? For example: regarding the subject of pocket money, mobile phones, media, visitation arrangements or even the handling of your your privacy?
  • Visitation arrangements: You live in a group home and would like to see your family more or less often?

How can I contact BEOBE? What contact options are there?

You can contact BEOBE in various ways.

You can contact us yourself or have someone you trust do it for you if you prefer. If you can't get in touch with us in person, for example because we can't answer the phone at the moment, please leave us a contact option. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The contact option you give us can also be anonymous, for example an email address without your name.

Can I also contact you anonymously?

Of course it is also possible to contact us without us knowing who you are. You can call us on a suppressed number or give us an anonymous contact option. This could be an email address without your name, for example. You can also quickly create a new email address if you don't have one.

If you contact us and provide us with your data, this will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy and only stored as stated there. You can read the privacy policy here.

Does the advice cost anything?

No. Advice from BEOBE is free of charge.

What happens with my data and details?

Your data and details will be treated confidentially and are subject to data protection. You can find more information about our data protection here.

I don't live in Cottbus; can I still have a personal interview?

Yes. We are responsible for all young people in Brandenburg. Our head office just happens to be in Cottbus. We can discuss many things over the phone. But we can also arrange an appointment at your location at any time. Or you can contact the regional office in your area.

I live in an institution outside of Brandenburg. Are you still responsible for me?

That depends on whether your local youth welfare office is in Brandenburg or not. In any case, you can contact us first. If we are not responsible, we will help you to find the right organisation that can support you.

I am afraid that my enquiry will be used against me. What information do you pass on?

We will treat your enquiry confidentially and independently. No information will be passed on without your consent. We will also not share the fact that you have contacted us with anyone without your permission.

What does confidential mean?

Confidential means that all information you give to the ombuds service office is kept secret and will not be shared without your permission.

What does independent mean?

Independent means that we are autonomous. We are not subordinate to any authority. We work neutrally and freely. Neither the youth welfare office nor any other organisation is allowed to tell us how we should work. We also don't pass on any information without asking you. Your concerns and information are safe with us.

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