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You are involved with the youth welfare office or another youth welfare organisation and need help or information?

Contact us Together,
we will find a solution


The ombuds service for child and youth welfare is an independent organisation that helps young people and their families for free. We offer private and confidential information, advice, and help with resolving conflicts with both public and private youth welfare services.

We are completely independent and not linked to any other organisations or agencies. We only work with other public or private youth welfare services if we have discussed it first and only with your consent.

Together, we will find a solution!

All children and young people are warmly encouraged to ask questions, share concerns, or seek advice.

Our main task is to help children and young people who:

  • live in a children’s home or a group home or live with foster parents
  • live at home and are supported by family assistance or similar forms of support

What happens when you contact us?

You get in touch with us.

You have various options for getting in touch with us. Simply give us a call on 0355 49 48 77 10, contact us via WhatsApp 0151 42639981, Instagram @BEOBE_brandenburg or send us an email to On our homepage you will find a contact form, further information and all our contact details. Our main office is located in Cottbus, Berliner Straße 54, but we can also come to you if that's better for you.

You can also contact us anonymously without giving your real name if this is important to you. Simply use the contact form, for example, and enter an e-mail address without your name.

We will treat all information you entrust to us confidentially. We do not pass anything on to others unless we have discussed this with you in advance.

Your trust is important to us. Of course, you can also contact us if you ‘only’ have a question. We have an open ear for all concerns.

We will arrange a personal meeting with you.

Once you have contacted us, whether by email, contact form, on 0355 49 48 77 10, via WhatsApp 0151 42639981, Instagram @BEOBE_brandenburg or by leaving a message on our answering machine, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Together we can then arrange an appointment for a personal conversation, if that is what you want. You can tell us what you hope to achieve when you contact us, or we can clarify this during our conversation. We are flexible and adapt to your needs – let's see together how we can make the best progress!

We discuss what has already happened.

During the personal conversation, we not only want to discuss your current challenges, but also clarify what developments or measures have already taken place. We want to find out what steps you have already taken, who you have spoken to and who is involved.

We may need to ask you for some information during the conversation. We will treat everything you tell us confidentially. You are not obliged to tell us anything you do not wish to say. However, it is important to have certain information in order to fully understand your concerns. We will discuss what details are needed and how we can best cover them.

We will discuss what steps are possible and what we are going to do.

Once we have clarified the background to your concern, the people involved and the measures already taken, we will discuss together what next steps are possible in your case. We will not take any actions without first discussing and agreeing on it with you. We will decide together what can and should be done.

Together, we will find a solution.

We will work together to figure out how to solve your problem. If you want, we will stick by your side from the conflict all the way to finding the solution. You can count on us for advice and support while we find the best way to handle your situation.

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